Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

There’s more to Australian beauty Margot Robbie than meets the eye.

There’s a lot more to Australian sweetheart Margot Robbie than meets the eye. The native Queenslander is incredibly grounded for an international celebrity, with a bunch of hobbies and passions we can all relate to. Here are just a few things you might not know about the Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood star.

She starts the day with a green health drink.

Margot told Harper’s Bazaar that every morning she starts the day with “what I call green stuff”. The 29-year-old describes her go-to drink as “an immune-boosting powder that you mix in with a bit of juice”.

She actually learnt to figure skate for I, Tonya.

Her favourite food is an Aussie and Kiwi staple.

“Avocado on toast and bacon, that’s my ideal breakfast,” the star confessed.

She’s pro-marriage equality.

As an Australian citizen, Margot made her thoughts on the gay marriage plebiscite clear.

She’s obsessed with tea.

“I probably drink at least 10 teas a day,” she said. “In our family, a cup of tea is the answer to everything. When you walk in, you get offered a cup of tea. If something goes wrong, someone will be like, ‘I’ll make you a cup of tea.’ If something good happens, they will be like, ‘Great! We’ll make you a cup of tea.’” Margot’s favourite brand is Dilmah. “I bring Dilmah tea with me everywhere,” she revealed.

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By pkbyw

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