Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
  1. Put lukewarm water in a container and add vinegar (apple or wine). Three tablespoons are enough.
  2. Place your frozen piece of meat and let it soak for 15 minutes, turning it 2 or 3 times to make sure it is completely soaked in the water and vinegar mixture.
  3. Then let your meat rest in a container of hot water for a few minutes.
  4. How to defrost meat in 1 hour?

    This other defrosting method is safe, it takes a little longer than the others.

    How to do ?

    1. Start by filling a large bowl with cold tap water.
    2. Remove the meat from the freezer still in its original packaging or another type of waterproof packaging.
    3. Immerse it in cold water.
    4. Use a plate or other heavy object to weigh down the meat to keep it completely submerged.
    5. Be aware that thawing in cold water works best for certain cuts of meat: So use this technique to defrost foods like chicken breasts, pork chops or ground beef.

    Defrosting meat: mistakes not to make

    • Usually, some leave meat to thaw on the counter at room temperature. But, in reality, it is a harmful and even potentially dangerous habit. Because you are really not safe from the growth of bacteria and your meat could then become unfit for consumption.
    • Keep in mind that thawing meat at room temperature is not that effective. Particularly for large pieces of meat which defrost faster on the surface, but take much longer on the inside. So it’s no surprise that your meat is more exposed to microbes, especially at room temperature.
    • Another common mistake to avoid: defrosting meat directly in the pan or in hot water. You’ll often notice that this cooks the meat on the outside, while leaving it frozen on the inside.
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By pkbyw

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