Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

It is also important to choose the best litter box for your furball.  As a general rule, the box should be at least twice as long as the adult cat.  Covered boxes can also be a solution. However, they can contain strong odors and make access unpleasant for the animal. It is then recommended to install a carbon filter inside in order to absorb bad odors. To be replaced once a month.

  • Offer the cat a quality diet

Finally,  the cat’s diet  must be natural and as balanced as possible. Some kibbles sold in pet stores contain fewer chemical preservatives or additives and may be the solution to your problem. However, you should favor kibbles that contain fiber and fructo-oligosaccharides,  ideal for your intestinal flora.

There are many ways to reduce litter box odors. By adopting these methods, your home will remain cool and your cat’s health will be preserved.

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By pkbyw

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