Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Well yes, it’s possible! No need for shoe polish, the banana does all the work.

How to do ?

  1. Rub your shoes with the inner skin of the banana and they become shiny.
  2. Then wipe with a dry cloth.

8. Polish silverware and jewelry with banana

Clean silver forks and knives, forget your jewelry, with the banana skin. Then wipe with a cloth and that’s it!

9. Use ripe bananas in the garden

  1. Yes ! Houseplants, plants in your garden and even your vegetable garden can benefit from banana compost .
  2. To do this, add pieces of banana peel to the compost of your plants and you will thus strengthen the vegetation in your garden.
  3. You can also bury pieces of banana peel in the pot of your plants to provide nutrients to your roses and green plants and thus fertilize them. Did you know that banana peels repel aphids? Do not hesitate to bury them in the soil of trees and shrubs to protect them from pests.
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By pkbyw

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