Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

A report by the National Organization for Rare Diseases states that CMN can take the form of light brown or black patches, and can reach almost any size on any part of the body.
Nicole and her partner now want to highlight their daughter’s uniqueness, in a bid to encourage others that being slightly different isn’t something to be ashamed of, but rather proud of
“For a lot of people, this is the first time seeing a birthmark like hers and that’s part of why I enjoy sharing,” Hall said.
“This is a good conversation for parents with their children to see kids have differences, or for those parents who do have a kid that looks like Winry or has any kind of a birthmark to see their child represented.”
Given that Winry’s birthmark could put her at an increased risk of developing melanoma (skin cancer), her parents take precautions to protect her skin. Nicole, though, said that she’s more worried that her daughter will encounter bullying when she grows older.
“Her health and happiness are our top priority. We have to monitor her with sunscreen. I’m careful with hats and that sort of thing,” Hall explained to Good Morning America.
“I know our regular dermatology appointment is probably going to be our best friend growing up.”

As for how Winry sees the world, she’s a happy, energetic little girl without a care in the world. In short, she’s everything a baby should be.
“She just radiates joy. She’s almost always laughing or shrieking,” Hall said. “She is just the happiest baby I have ever seen.
“She’s a big talker already. We haven’t got a whole lot of words out, but she tells you like it is and she’s already getting a little bit of sassiness, so I think we’re gonna have a lot on our hands.”

We here at Newsner agree that differences should be celebrated, and never mocked or looked down upon. We think Winry is a truly special little girl, and a beautiful soul to boot!
Please, share this article on Facebook to send love and confidence Winry’s way! And to show that you agree that all children are beautiful.

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By pkbyw

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