Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

The beauty of 5-Minute Caramel Walnuts lies not only in its delectable taste but also in its simplicity. With just a handful of ingredients and a mere five minutes, you’ll have a treat that’s sure to please.

1. Prepare the Plate

Begin by laying a piece of parchment paper on a dinner plate or a heatproof surface. This step ensures that your caramel-coated walnuts won’t stick and makes the process smoother.

2. Combine Ingredients

In a medium non-stick skillet, combine all the ingredients except for the salt. The mixture of walnuts, golden brown sugar, water, and unsalted butter will soon transform into a delightful caramel concoction that coats the walnuts perfectly.

3. Heat and Stir

Place the skillet over high heat and stir occasionally for approximately 5 minutes. During the last minute, stir constantly and reduce the heat to medium. This process allows the moisture to evaporate, and the walnuts to become darker, glossier, and form clusters of caramel-coated goodness.

4. Ensure Evaporation

It’s crucial to ensure that all the liquid evaporates before removing the skillet from the heat. This step guarantees that your caramel walnuts will have the perfect texture and flavor.

5. Transfer and Season

Quickly transfer the caramel-coated walnuts onto the prepared parchment paper. Spread them out in a single layer, ensuring each nut is evenly coated. Sprinkle 2 pinches of salt on top of the nuts to enhance the flavor and provide a delightful contrast to the sweetness.

6. Cool and Enjoy

Allow the caramel-coated walnuts to cool to room temperature. Once they’ve cooled, break them apart with your fingers, and witness the beautiful clusters of caramel-coated walnuts. Store these delectable treats in a container, but beware—they might not last long due to their irresistible taste.

Notes: A non-stick pan is essential for this recipe. If you opt for a small non-stick skillet, the cooking time may extend by an additional 30-45 seconds.

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By pkbyw

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