Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

For this recipe to have the desired effect, it is best to drink it daily. It is a treatment whose consequences begin to be felt after a certain time.

You need to know this so you don’t despair if you ever want immediate results.

Although it is advisable to drink this water from the first hour of the day, if you prefer to consume it at another time, put it in a thermos and ingest it throughout the day.

There is no quantity limit, you can consume as much as you want.

Ginger and lemon, an exceptional combination

In cooking or medicine, ginger and lemon are two foods that, independently of each other, have a number of benefits and properties for our health. Ginger is most often given significant aphrodisiac and anti-vomiting properties. It would also be a great help to lose weight. As for lemon, it is generally attributed with exceptional slimming and antioxidant properties. Each of these two elements offers a substantial list of benefits and properties. But what about the association between ginger and lemon?

Go to the next page to complete the recipe

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By pkbyw

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