Tue. Sep 17th, 2024
  1. Fertilize it properly . In order for the plant to flourish it is necessary to feed it well. Add a natural fertilizer or compost. To give the plant a boost you can apply an African violet fertilizer once a month, in spring and summer.
  2. Water it properly . One of the biggest mistakes in jade tree care is overwatering. Water the plant only when you notice that the soil has become completely dry.
  3. Expose it to the cold a bit . Some experts have shown that placing the Jade tree in a cold corner of the house during late autumn helps it to flower.

The Jade tree plant should be placed in brightly lit corners but not exposed to direct sunlight, which could burn its leaves.

Although there are plants that are perfect for the kitchen or bathroom, the Jade tree is not one of them. Excess humidity and heat make the plant suffer and will prevent it from flowering.

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By pkbyw

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